Things to Know Before Inducing Labor Naturally:
Natural induction should only be a helping hand. You want the method to be gentle enough that you won’t go into labor if your body isn’t ready. It’s not recommended before 39-40 weeks. If you do begin before then, chances are it won't work anyway.
Don't stress about being overdue. First-time pregnancies are up to 80% more likely to go postdate, and you are not “officially” overdue until 42 weeks. Even then, a doctor cannot legally induce labor without your permission.
Do your own research. Make sure you know the risks and are taking the correct amount of any herbal product. Don't overstrain yourself with labor inducing exercises.
If you aren't sure, talk to your doctor. This is especially true if your pregnancy has been complicated or is considered high risk.
Natural Labor Induction Timeline:
1. Acupressure - In addition to alleviating morning sickness and stopping bleeding or spotting in the early months of pregnancy, acupressure massages can also induce labor. Before using, though, you’ll want to make sure that your acupressurist has experience working with pregnant women. Typically, there are acupressure points in the ankles and in the webbing between your thumb and forefinger that can cause muscle contractions, including in the uterus.
2. Bananas - Bananas have lots of potassium, which is crucial to muscle contractions. So, being low on potassium could potentially delay labor. Note that you should eat bananas in moderation and avoid take potassium supplements as they can be poisonous when to taking incorrectly.
3. Basil - Basil is an emmenagogue, a herb that stimulates blood flow to the uterus and can stimulate menstruation. Throw some in your cooking.
Throw it on some pasta or add it to a shake. Basil is another delicious and easy natural form of induction.
4. Black/Blue Cohosh - Black and blue cohosh are two different herbs that, when taken together as a tincture can help induce and regulate contractions. Some midwives use it even during labor to strengthen uterine contractions. There have been some studies claiming that it can have bad side effects for mother and/or baby, however. I'd recommend further research first. Here are a couple of articles to get you started. If you decide to use cohosh, make sure you don’t take any more than the manufacturer recommends.
5. Borage seed oil - Along with primrose oil and black currant oil, borage seed oil is a natural source of prostaglandins - a fatty acid that helps induce labor. The borage oil prepares the body for birth by softening the cervix and increasing the flexibility of the pelvic ligaments. With that tissue softened, labor often quickly follows because of the pressure exerted on the cervix by the baby’s head.
6. Bouncing on birth/exercise ball - ball exercises can help turn your baby and move him or her into the birth canal. Midwives and doulas have been using this technique for years to speed up the dilation and move the baby down into the pelvis. Find a comfortable position and gently bounce up and down to encourage your baby to move into position.
Induce Labor with an Exercise Ball:
7. Castor oil - Statistically speaking it only works on 57% of women and causes lovely things like diarrhea and sometimes, vomiting. The theory is that the cramps in the bowel set off contractions. Opinion is still out on whether castor oil causes babies to pass meconium in the womb, but a) most women using castor oil are overdue and b) babies that are overdue are more likely to pass meconium, so you do the maths!WARNING: Please read the linked article before attempting and make sure you're fully informed on the safe methods to induce with castor oil.
8. Clary sage oil - Research shows that clary sage oil aromatherapy can help promote labor and relieve pain. In fact, it is so effective in promoting labor that its use is contraindicated at any other time during pregnancy. This method should only be used by a trained midwife or practitioner – it’s not one to do by yourself as it can cause harm if used incorrectly.
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