Saturday, 19 December 2015

A List of Coping Skills for Anger, Anxiety, and Depression

What are Coping Skills and Strategies:

Dealing strategies in addition to knowledge will be the side effects, in addition, to conduct one particular retreat into to handle challenging scenarios. Dealing strategies also come in several varieties. Several are generally very helpful and the like are generally damaging.

Human beings are likely to discover coping strategies by those people these people touch even though rising upwards. Whenever a person finds out in addition to builds up routines regarding negative coping knowledge, stressors come to be catastrophes in addition to self-assurance within an individual's power to deal can be reduced.

Employ this set of optimistic coping knowledge to spot brand-new strategies to discover to get much more sturdy facing difficulties. After that glance at the set of negative coping strategies to find what to replace with additional optimistic coping knowledge.

Positive Coping Skills

Here's a list of coping skills that will help you when feeling strong emotions such as anger, anxiety, or depression. These activities are not likely to create more stress or problems, so these help you be more resilient and stress tolerant.
  1. Write, draw, paint, photography
  2. Play an instrument, sing, dance, act
  3. Take a shower or a bath
  4. Garden
  5. Take a walk, or go for a drive
  6. Watch television or a movie
  7. Watch cute kitten videos on YouTube
  8. Play a game
  9. Go shopping
  10. Clean or organize your environment
  11. Read
  12. Take a break or vacation
Social/Interpersonal (with others)
  1. Talk to someone you trust
  2. Set boundaries and say "no"
  3. Write a note to someone you care about
  4. Be assertive
  5. Use humor
  6. Spend time with friends and/or family
  7. Serve someone in need
  8. Care for or play with a pet
  9. Role-play challenging situations with others
  10. Encourage others
Cognitive (Of the Mind)
  1. Make a gratitude list
  2. Brainstorm solutions
  3. Lower your expectations of the situation
  4. Keep an inspirational quote with you
  5. Be flexible
  6. Write a list of goals
  7. Take a class
  8. Act opposite of negative feelings
  9. Write a list of pros and cons for decisions
  10. Reward or pamper yourself when successful
  11. Write a list of strengths
  12. Accept a challenge with a positive attitude
Tension Releasers
  1. Exercise or play sports
  2. Catharsis (yelling in the bathroom, punching a punching bag)
  3. Cry
  4. Laugh
  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Eat healthy foods
  3. Get into a good routine
  4. Eat a little chocolate
  5. Limit caffeine
  6. Deep/slow breathing
  1. Pray or meditate
  2. Enjoy nature
  3. Get involved in a worthy cause
Limit Setting
  1. Drop some involvement
  2. Prioritize important tasks
  3. Use assertive communication
  4. Schedule time for yourself

Friday, 18 December 2015

Benefits of Pushups

Benefits of pushups.

What is a pushup?

Pushups are one of the most common strength building exercises performed all over the world. A push-up is done by simply placing yourself in a prone position and raising and lowering your body, again and again, using your arms.

Pushups are so simple to do that they can be done by almost anybody and anywhere (whether indoors or outdoors).

Since this article is all about the amazing benefits of push-ups, let’s not waste any more time beating about the bush and delve straight into the reasons why performing regular push-ups is good for you and your health.

Major benefits of pushups

There are so many health benefits that the average person can get by regularly doing pushups.

You train the major muscles in your body through pushups

Pushups might seem like an exercise that trains only the muscles of the arms, chest, and shoulders but believe me when I say this exercise trains other muscles in the other parts of the body such as your abdominal and lower back muscles. As a matter of fact, pushups train all the major muscles in the body. According to experts, as you lower your body to the floor and raise it up again and again, you are basically using every major and important muscle in your body to perform this action. This, therefore, strengthens your core muscles. Strengthening your core muscles is very important since it helps give you better balance and stability. Having a good balance and stability is very important in helping you perform your everyday activities and other physical activities. On top of this, regularly performing pushups also boost your endurance in no small way. According to experts, your ability to do very well in certain sports and workouts depends on the strength of your core muscles. This is the reason why many sportsmen and sportswomen add pushups to their workout routines.

You will be stronger and fitter when you perform pushups regularly

A strength training exercise like pushup will strengthen and tone your muscles. As a result of this, you become stronger and fitter. I personally started performing at least 40 pushups every day over a year ago. It might interest readers to know that before I started taking my pushups seriously, I didn’t have the greatest body. I was chubby and had some serious belly fat which I really hated. I noticed that about six months after I started regularly performing this strength building exercise, I began to get into better shape. The best part of this was the fact that I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. My friends and colleagues at work also noticed this and from time to time showered me with compliments on my new look. This is just an example of how regular pushups can keep you in a good shape. Since it worked for me, I believe there is a high likelihood it can also work for you. Give it a try and see.

Pushups boost your energy:

You have just been told that regularly performing pushups is very good in improving your muscle strength and boosting your endurance. And any workout that is capable of improving the strength of your muscles and boosting your endurance level, is great in boosting your energy levels since as you perform these exercises, your heart and lungs tend to work more efficiently. When your cardiovascular system begins to work more efficiently, you end up having more energy to carry out your everyday activities with relative ease. Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

Pushups help you in developing strong bones

As you age, your bone mass starts to decline. Losing your bone density isn’t a good thing at all since it can eventually cause you to suffer from a condition known as osteoporosis. When you have osteoporosis, your bones become very weak and frail to the point where they break easily. But this can be prevented when you perform a strength building exercise like pushups regularly. The more pushups you perform on a regular basis, the more your bone density is increased and the less likely you are to suffer from osteoporosis in future. Simply put, pushups are good in promoting stronger bones and preventing bone damage.

Pushups help you to control your weight

When people think of pushups, rarely do they think of it as an exercise that is capable of controlling their weight. But believe me, when I tell you that pushups can help you to burn calories and prevent you from gaining too much weight. According to health experts, any exercise that makes you gain muscles helps you in burning calories easier. I will, therefore, advise anybody out there looking for ways to keep their weight under control to think of adding pushups to their workout routine.

All You Need to Know About Canker Sore on Tonsil Tissues

What is a Canker Sore?

Canker sores are characterized by a yellow or whitish dot on the cheek, the tongue, or any other part of the mouth including the tonsils and their underlying tissues. The canker is often surrounded by reddish, inflamed-looking flesh.

If you get a canker sore on your tonsils, every time you swallow, you'll know that it is one of the most painful canker sores you can get.

Can you really get a canker sore on your tonsils?

What Causes a Canker Sore: 

Some of the main causes of canker sores include:

A small injury as a result of an accidental bite, bump, burn, rough brushing of teeth, or dental work–any small abrasion to the inside of the cheeks, lips, or tongue may not heal properly and may cause a canker.
Lack of important nutrients that promote proper growth of tissues, such as iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and folic acid (folate).
Allergies or sensitivities to toothpaste or food (coffee, chocolate, shellfish, strawberries, cheese, eggs, nuts, highly acidic foods like pineapple, lemon, and tomatoes, and ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate).
Poor oral hygiene.
An allergic response to bacteria in the mouth.
Hormonal changes may trigger a canker sore on a woman's tonsil tissue during the days prior to menstruation.

Unlike cold sores, canker sores are not associated with herpes virus infections. If you experience cankers chronically, you should begin keeping a record of everything you eat and drink to help determine what might be the cause. There are also more serious medical triggers for canker sores so if you get them chronically, consult your doctor.

Fever Blister (Cold Sore) vs. Canker Sore on Tonsil

Fever blisters (cold sores) and canker sores both cause a lot of discomfort and pain and it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between the two. However, there are a few major differences:

Fever blisters (also known as cold sores) are highly contagious while canker sores are not. Fever blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Fever blisters can appear elsewhere on the body (on the nose, eyes, or genitals, for example), whereas canker sores are confined inside the mouth. The tonsils are the furthest areas that canker sores reach, but there is no clear evidence or history to show that cold sores/fever blisters affect the tonsil tissue.
The herpes virus that causes fever blisters remains latent even when the blisters themselves are completely healed. This means that the virus is always present, even without signs. On the other hand, a canker sore can heal completely and never reappear, depending on whether or not the person comes into contact with the triggering factor.

Sore Throat at Night: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Why Do I Have a Sore Throat at Night?

A sore throat at night is a common problem that many people suffer from. Sometimes, the problem fades away by the next day, prompting the individual to shrug it off. If a sore throat becomes a nightly problem, however, it's important to pursue a diagnosis.

Although having a sore throat at night might seems like a small problem in the scheme of things, and it may be a common bacterial or viral infection, there are some less common causes that might be causing the condition. If you're currently suffering from nightly bouts of a sore throat, here are some of the things you should know about.

Symptoms of Sore Throat:

The most obvious symptom is a pain in the throat which worsens when swallowing. The muscles along the throat may also become weaker due to the soreness, making it harder for an individual to swallow. The tonsils may also be affected, leading to redness, soreness, and white patches on the surface. In most cases, the throat feels dry, scratchy, and uncomfortable.

Causes of Sore Throat at Night:

There are several possible reasons for a sore throat at night time, ranging from the harmless to the serious. Here are some possible causes:

Bacterial Infection. Several types of bacteria can cause a sore throat, the most common of which is strep (which causes sore, red throat with white patches, difficulty swallowing, headache, chills, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.) There's also diphtheria (which causes sore, hoarse throat, low fever, a thick, grayish membrane covering the throat and tonsils, swollen neck glands, difficulty or rapid breathing, congestion, chills, and fever). Whooping cough (aka pertussis) (which causes runny nose, sneezing, harsh, wheezing cough, and slight fever), is quite common in children and easily contracted, tonsillitis (sore throat, fever, red/swollen tonsils, nasal congestion, and swollen lymph nodes), or uvulitis (sore throat and swelling and redness of the uvula). Fortunately, these bacterial infections of the throat can be easily treated with antibiotics, but if left untreated, might lead to complications.

Allergies. A sore throat can be triggered by environmental allergens and accompanied by other symptoms such as sneezing, swelling of body parts, rashes, and itchiness. Some of the most common things people are allergic to include pet dander, mold, dust, and pollen.

Viral Infections. Many viral infections can trigger a sore throat, including laryngitis, mononucleosis, mumps, herpangina, chickenpox, measles, influenza (flu), croup, and the common cold, although their additional symptoms vary. Viral infections are actually a more common cause of a sore throat than bacterial infections and do not respond to antibiotics.

Muscle Strain. If you have been talking or yelling for the better part of the day, don't be surprised to feel a sore throat that night. Like all muscles, the throat can grow tired and ache when given too much exercise. In cases like this, the soreness will fade away in time.

Dryness. Dry weather is also a known cause of a sore throat. During winter, many buildings are heated which means a person could be inhaling recycled air, eliminating any dampness that keeps the throat flexible.

Treatment for Sore Throat

The treatment for a sore throat before going to bed varies depending on the underlying cause of the problem. Individuals who suffer from the condition occasionally may only need the simplest treatment methods to make the problem go away. Others may need more powerful medication or medical intervention to alleviate the problem.

Before you rush to the doctor, try some of the following at-home treatments to soothe a sore throat:

Warm Beverage. A sore throat caused by muscle strain can be treated with hot tea and honey. The warmth of the drink helps relax the muscles and the honey coats the throat, alleviating the pain. Drinking liquid also helps with dehydration.
Gargle. Gargle once an hour with a teaspoon (5 g) of salt dissolved in a cup (240 mL) of warm water to help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort.
Lozenges. If the soreness only happens occasionally, over-the-counter medicine might help do the trick. Purchase some lozenges and use them as instructed in the label. They are considered a safe and effective way to numb the pain.
Decongestant. A sore throat stemming from a cold can be soothed with a decongestant, which helps lessen the mucus and, therefore, alleviating the postnatal drip.
Humidifier. A sore throat from dry conditions is easily handled by a humidifier. If you don't have access to one, try sitting in a steamy bathroom. You can pour boiling water into a bowl and lean over it; drape a towel over your head to create a steam chamber. This will help clear up the passageways, alleviating pain along the throat.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Activities for Mental Health Groups

Choosing the Best Activity for Your Mental Health Group:

When choosing the best activity for your population of clients, take into account where the patients are currently. Build the clients to where you want them by choosing activities in the best order. For example, discussion groups work best once clients are comfortable talking with each other and are functioning well as a group. Games can help break the ice if you need to get them to that point.
If your population is unable to focus for long periods of time, using an activity that is less attention-demanding is best. Or, using a highly-engaging format will give the clients the extra focus you need to teach them.

Activities for Kids

Games, crafts, and role-playing are a few of the best activities for kids. Within just these three types of activities, you can do many different variations. These activities can also be useful with adults in some circumstances.
  1. Board Games: Order one or make up a board game. There are many different ways to modify board games to be therapeutic. The easiest way is by creating your own cards with questions to replace the cards that come with the game.
  2. Cooperation Games: Cooperation activities include problem solving and team building tasks. Gym activities allow cooperation activities to be conducted on a large scale.
  3. Trivia Games: Trivia games are great for learning information or memorizing. Use a trivia game if you need kids to learn something well at a shallow level.
  4. Pictionary or Charades Games: Getting kids to draw or act out things includes their motor movement into the learning process.
Arts and Crafts:
  1. Create a Book or Brochure: Split the kids into small groups to work on a book about any topic. Provide them with reference materials in needed, but set clear guidelines for the quality of work.
  2. Coloring: For very young children, coloring is a great way to get them focused on therapy topics. Have pictures of good behaviors and bad behaviors, and then ask them to color all the pictures of good behavior.
  3. Collage: A collage can be created individually or in groups. The variety of topics you can use is wide. Family therapy group collages can help clients and family members identify strengths and commonalities.
  4. Origami: Young kids love folding paper. While you are folding with clients, it's a great time to talk about what to do when mistakes are made or how to deal with frustration. Origami takes patience, having a vision and following directions.
Role Playing:
  1. Anger Coping Skills Role-Play: Before doing the role-play, have the kids identify a real anger trigger that can be part of the role play. Then ask them to identify warning signs for their anger. Finally, ask them to put it all together with the coping skills that they want to practice. So, they will role play in this order... Anger Trigger -->Anger Warning Signs -->Anger Coping Skill.
  2. Role Play Communication: This one works like the coping skill role-play, only the clients will practice using communication with others to handle the problem. Teach the kids to use humor or assertiveness to communicate calmly.

Discussion Activities

Discussion activities are useful if these are your goals:
  • Increase interest in the topic
  • Assess prior knowledge and understanding
  • Improve communication skills about difficult topics
  • Create curiosity around a subject
  • Improve readiness to change

How to Treat an Itchy Ear Canal

Does your ear itch? Learn why, how to stop it, and how to prevent your ear(s) from itching in the future.

Do You Have Itchy Ears?

                  Here  is  nothing  further  irritating  AS WELL AS  distracting  compared to   a good  itchy  Making use of your  ear.  anyone   which   has  ever suffered  from   the actual  common ailment knows how frustrating  This really is   for you to  experience  an  constant, intense itch  inside the  ear.  The idea  seems  Just as   even though   the   singular  feeling  involving  relief comes  from  scratching  or maybe  probing  inside  fingers  or perhaps  q-tips.  while   This can  bring temporary comfort,  This   will be   a  very harmful  method to  tackle itching  in the  ear. Thankfully  You will find   lots of   safe and sound   methods   to  make  your current  ear canals itch-free zones.

Don't let  the actual   consider   your   better   connected with  you.  throughout   this  article, we'll  get   a   check out   several   of a   Simplest  treatments  with the  itch,  and the  preventative  steps   You will   get   in order that   your current  ears stay itch-free  inside  future.      

What is an Itchy Ear Canal?

      An itchy ear canal  is usually   the  result  of an  inflamed  or even  flaky skin condition  It  happens  Whenever   the  sensitive skin  from the  ear becomes damaged, waterlogged  or  infected  inside  bacteria  or maybe a fungus. Medical professionals refer  in order to   The idea   Equally  Otitis Externa.  as well as the  itching sensation, symptoms  will  include dry flaky skin, soreness, pain,  AS WELL AS    watery discharge  It  emits  a  odor.      

Shampoo, hair products, cotton balls, and/or cotton swabs may be causing your ears to itch.

There are many reasons why you might have an itch in your ear. Here are some of the main culprits:
  1. Fungal infections. Are you prone to fungal infections in other parts of your body, such as your feet or groin area? It is possible for fungus to infect the ear canal too.
  2. Skin conditions. Do you suffer from any other skin complaints such as eczema or psoriasis? Unfortunately, skin conditions like these can easily spread to the ear canal.
  3. Swimming. Swimmers tend to be in the high-risk category for developing an itchy ear. So, if you swim regularly this is something to watch out for. Water can carry germs and fungus into the ear which can then lead to infection, especially if the skin inside the ear is broken or damaged. Swimming can also create excess moisture which then causes eczema.
  4. Q-tips or cotton buds. Using q-tips or cotton buds a big no-no. The ear is well equipped to clean itself, but if you find that wax or other debris is persistently present in your ears, there are safer and more productive ways to clean them. The problem with using q-tips is that you risk damaging the soft skin inside the ear. This is an open invitation for bacteria to invade.
  5. Weather conditions. Weather conditions, namely warmer temperatures, may be causing your itchy ears. Do you live somewhere with a hot and humid climate? The increased water in the air raises your chances of developing an infection. Fungal infections in particular thrive in warm, humid conditions.
  6. Hair or bath products. Do you regularly use products such as hairspray, shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath, styling gel, or hair dye? The residue from these products can easily wash inside the ear during a bath or shower and cause irritation which leads to itching.
  7. Allergies. Do you suffer from allergies (namely dust, food products, pets, or pollen)? The histamine release that is triggered by the allergen and causes a runny nose and red puffy eyes might also be responsible for the itch in your ear canal.