What is a pushup?
Pushups are one of the most common strength building exercises performed all over the world. A push-up is done by simply placing yourself in a prone position and raising and lowering your body, again and again, using your arms.
Pushups are so simple to do that they can be done by almost anybody and anywhere (whether indoors or outdoors).
Since this article is all about the amazing benefits of push-ups, let’s not waste any more time beating about the bush and delve straight into the reasons why performing regular push-ups is good for you and your health.
Major benefits of pushups
There are so many health benefits that the average person can get by regularly doing pushups.
You train the major muscles in your body through pushups
Pushups might seem like an exercise that trains only the muscles of the arms, chest, and shoulders but believe me when I say this exercise trains other muscles in the other parts of the body such as your abdominal and lower back muscles. As a matter of fact, pushups train all the major muscles in the body. According to experts, as you lower your body to the floor and raise it up again and again, you are basically using every major and important muscle in your body to perform this action. This, therefore, strengthens your core muscles. Strengthening your core muscles is very important since it helps give you better balance and stability. Having a good balance and stability is very important in helping you perform your everyday activities and other physical activities. On top of this, regularly performing pushups also boost your endurance in no small way. According to experts, your ability to do very well in certain sports and workouts depends on the strength of your core muscles. This is the reason why many sportsmen and sportswomen add pushups to their workout routines.
You will be stronger and fitter when you perform pushups regularly
A strength training exercise like pushup will strengthen and tone your muscles. As a result of this, you become stronger and fitter. I personally started performing at least 40 pushups every day over a year ago. It might interest readers to know that before I started taking my pushups seriously, I didn’t have the greatest body. I was chubby and had some serious belly fat which I really hated. I noticed that about six months after I started regularly performing this strength building exercise, I began to get into better shape. The best part of this was the fact that I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. My friends and colleagues at work also noticed this and from time to time showered me with compliments on my new look. This is just an example of how regular pushups can keep you in a good shape. Since it worked for me, I believe there is a high likelihood it can also work for you. Give it a try and see.
Pushups boost your energy:
You have just been told that regularly performing pushups is very good in improving your muscle strength and boosting your endurance. And any workout that is capable of improving the strength of your muscles and boosting your endurance level, is great in boosting your energy levels since as you perform these exercises, your heart and lungs tend to work more efficiently. When your cardiovascular system begins to work more efficiently, you end up having more energy to carry out your everyday activities with relative ease. Give it a try and see the results for yourself!
Pushups help you in developing strong bones
As you age, your bone mass starts to decline. Losing your bone density isn’t a good thing at all since it can eventually cause you to suffer from a condition known as osteoporosis. When you have osteoporosis, your bones become very weak and frail to the point where they break easily. But this can be prevented when you perform a strength building exercise like pushups regularly. The more pushups you perform on a regular basis, the more your bone density is increased and the less likely you are to suffer from osteoporosis in future. Simply put, pushups are good in promoting stronger bones and preventing bone damage.
Pushups help you to control your weight
When people think of pushups, rarely do they think of it as an exercise that is capable of controlling their weight. But believe me, when I tell you that pushups can help you to burn calories and prevent you from gaining too much weight. According to health experts, any exercise that makes you gain muscles helps you in burning calories easier. I will, therefore, advise anybody out there looking for ways to keep their weight under control to think of adding pushups to their workout routine.
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