Monday 4 January 2016

Taking Care of Your Sexual Health

Sexual health, like emotional, mental, and physical health, is one important dimension of overall health:

Sexual health. For some people any sex topic is off-limits. But others, including the World Health Organization, consider sexual health an essential dimension of human health and well-being. From concern over how to have comfortable, enjoyable sex to questions about testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their prevention, many important topics come under the broad umbrella of sexual health.

“Sexual health is an essential and beneficial dimension of being human,”

Emphasizes Michael McGee, MEd, a certified sexual health educator and adjunct professor at Montclair State University in Montclair, N.J. “People have a right to sexual health, sexual health information including public policy that supports sexual health, and the right to pleasure.”

In addition to teaching and advocating about sexual health, McGee counsels individuals and couples on sexual health issues. He says the most common, fundamental question he encounters is, “Am I normal?”

This, he argues, is the best reason to be educated about sexual health: to have a realistic understanding of what sexual health is — what the wide range of “normal” is — as well as being better able to take care of your own health and pleasure and that of your partner.

Increase Your Sexual Health Awareness:

Sex basics: Understanding the cycle of desire, stimulation, and response improves sexual health

  1. Reproductive issues:. Sexual health is intimately related to reproduction. Birth control choices to prevent pregnancy and the steps couples need to take to have a healthy pregnancy are all aspects of sexual health.
  2. Vaginal dryness:.As women go through changes in their lives, such as pregnancy and childbirth or menopause, they may experience a lack of vagina lubrication. This makes sexual intercourse unpleasant, but there are solutions to this problem.
  3. Lack of desire A frequent source of conflict between couples, says McGee, is a “discrepancy in desire — one partner wants sex more often than the other.”
  4. Erectile dysfunction. There are various physical and emotional reasons why men may not be able to achieve an erection for the duration of sexual intercourse.
  5. Physical challenges: Physical impairment, health concerns, and other conditions may require creative problem solving in order to have sexual intercourse

Sexual Health: Guarding Against Infection
Sex can be pleasurable, but it can also be risky. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be uncomfortable or painful; they can have severe, long-term effects that include the loss of fertility and have the potential to be life-threatening. 

Read More:

Wednesday 30 December 2015

What Do You Want to Know About Depression?

Do You Want to Know About Depression

Depression is classified as a mood disorder, and may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

People experience depression in different ways. It can often interfere with your daily work and relationships. Depression can result in lost time at work and lower productivity. It also can influence some chronic health conditions. Arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity can all worsen with depression.
It is important to realize that feeling down at times is a normal part of life. Sad and distressful events occur in everyone’s life. However, feeling miserable and hopeless on a consistent basis is not normal. Depression should be treated as a serious medical condition.

Left untreated, the condition may last for months or years. It can worsen over time. Yet, those who seek treatment often see improvements in symptoms in just a few weeks.


Types of Depression

Depression has two main categories: clinical depression (also known as major depressive disorder) and dysthymia. Depression ranges in seriousness from mild to temporary episodes of sadness to severe, ongoing depression. Knowing which type of depression you have can help your doctor determine the best course of treatment.

  1. Clinical Depression

Clinical depression is regarded as the most severe form of depression. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that do not go away on their own. For a diagnosis of clinical depression, you must meet five or more of the following symptoms over a two-week period.

feeling depressed most of the day
loss of interest in most regular activities
significant weight loss or gain
sleeping too much or not being able to sleep
slowed thinking or movement
fatigue or low energy most days
feelings of worthlessness or guilt
loss of concentration or indecisiveness
recurring thoughts of death or suicide

2. Dysthymia

Dysthymia is a mild, but chronic, form of depression. Symptoms often last for at least two years. Dysthymia can affect your life more than clinical depression because it lasts for a longer period. You may lose interest in normal daily activities, feel hopeless, lack productivity, and have low self-esteem. People with dysthymia are often regarded as being always critical, constantly complaining, and unable to have fun.

Other forms of depression and mood disorders may have unique characteristics or develop under specific circumstances, making them difficult to classify. A few examples are described below.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
This describes the onset of depression at a certain time of year. SAD typically occurs during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight. SAD typically subsides in spring and summer. In some cases, however, SAD can become chronic.

Postpartum Depression

This is a type of moderate to severe depression experienced by women shortly after they give birth. Feelings of anxiety and restlessness often referred to as the “baby blues,” are common in the 2-4 weeks following pregnancy. Postpartum depression occurs when such feelings do not subside within one or more months after childbirth. The NIMH estimates that 10-15 percent of women experience postpartum depression after giving birth.

Psychotic Depression

This describes symptoms of depression accompanied by some form of psychosis, such as delusions or hallucinations.

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar is characterized by severe mood changes, ranging from extreme highs (“mania”) and equally extreme lows. This disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness.

Sunday 27 December 2015

First Aid for Bleeding/Hemorrhage

Bleeding from major blood vessel can be fatal within minutes, emergency measures must be taken without delay to reduce blood loss until the victim is hospitalized. The recommended procedures here can be applied by anyone who remains calm and competent

Controlling external bleeding: 

                                                                                                                                     photo courtesy of

1. Have patient lie down flat.

2. Place sterile gauze pad, sanitary napkin, clean handkerchief (or in the absence of these, any immediately available materials such as heavy paper or leaves) directly over the open wound.

3. If the bleeding is in the arm, leg, or head, elevate it above the level of the heart by the use of pillows, rolled-up blankets, newspapers, or other improvised props.

4. By the force of gravity, blood loss is reduced if at the same time that affected part is elevated, direct pressure is continued.

5. Apply direct, firm pressure (with your fingers or hand) over the wound; continue pressure 5 to 15 minutes.

6. If bleeding does not stop with prolonged direct pressure, and the wound is in the arm or the leg, apply a tourniquet for 10-15 minutes. Release to see if bleeding has stopped.If not, reapply tourniquet and transport patient to the nearest doctor.

7. Do NOT apply a tourniquet until you have first tried pressure upon arteries supplying the arm and leg. This will often stop the bleeding and make the use of a tourniquet unnecessary. (These pressure points are located on the inner side of the upper arm and just below the groin.)

8. Most bleeding, unless from a major vessel, will stop within few minutes. Clean wound thoroughly with plain soap and water. If bleeding is too active, apply a tourniquet for 10 minutes in order to thoroughly cleanse the wound.

9. Bandage to stop bleeding should NOT be applied too tightly that it will interfere with the circulation. If the patient feels it is too tight, or if the tissue below the bandage turns blue in color, cut the bandage down the middle and apply new bandage material more loosely over the original bandage.

10. Take patient to a doctor for possible further cleansing and stitching of the wound.

First aid tips for internal bleeding:                                   

Internal bleeding will usually evidence itself by the coughing up or vomiting of blood or "coffee ground" appearing material. Bleeding from the urinary tract will show itself upon passage of bloody urine. Bleeding from the intestinal tract will show itself by the blood in the stool or by the passage of black, tarry tools. Have such a patient:

Lie flat.
Breathe deeply.
Transport him as soon as possible to a hospital.
Do NOT attempt to give medicines to such patients


Bleeding from areas where tourniquets cannot be applied, such as the neck, should be treated by applying direct finger pressure over the wound. Keep pressure in place until the doctor arrives.

Friday 25 December 2015

How To Lose That Belly Fat Fast

How To Lose Belly Fat:


So you want to know how to lose that belly fat fast and get that flat toned belly you've always wanted or may have once had. Here I will show you how it's done. There are many key factors when knowing how to lose that belly fat and understanding them is essential if you are going to be successful in attaining that flat toned stomach. When it comes to losing belly fat the saying "You are what you eat" couldn't be truer but, it's not as simple as that. Not only are you what you eat but you are also what you do!

How To Lose That Belly Fat-What To Do

Eat a healthy balanced diet:

You've heard it a thousand times before but if you are serious about losing weight and above all that stubborn belly fat it is something you are going to have to do and it doesn't have to be a negative experience. The best advice here is to stay away from processed food those are the foods that often come in packets These are the foods that put that belly fat there in the first place so stay clear apart from the odd treat maybe once a week but no more. Stay disciplined stay focused and you can achieve that flat toned belly. `
Processed Foods To Stay Away From As A General Rule.
  • Canned foods that have large amounts of and sodium in them.
  • Pasta and bread made with refined flour(white bread) look for ones made with whole grains.
  • snack foods like crisps and chocolate.
  • frozen dinner meals that are high in sodium.
  • cakes and biscuits.
  • breakfast cereals high in sugar.
  • Processed meats often contain lots of fat and low-quality ingredients.
  • High-fat butter spreads and cheeses
  • Ice-cream
  • Soft drinks high in sugar

How To Exercise To Lose That Belly Fat

There are no shortcuts when it comes to exercising to lose that belly fat, but there are do's and don't's. Doing endless amounts of crunches won't lose the belly fat. You simply won't burn enough calories at the fat burning intensity. Crunches will define stomach muscle once you have lost the belly fat, but that is all. To burn that belly fat you have to do Cardio exercise find one that you enjoy my particular favourite is cycling and I find this the most effective because you can do it for longer at the fat burning intensity. The main thing though is to pick an exercise activity that you like. If you don't like the exercise that you are partaking in chances are you'll become demotivated and if not completely give up you'll do it less often. Here are some suggestions for exercise you can do with the calories that they burn. To really lose that belly fat.

1. Bicycling - 250 to 500 calories in 30 minutes. Calories burned:
357.21 (Kcals) in 30 minutes for a person cycling between 14-15.9mph dependant on weight the more you weigh the more calories you burn.

2. Step Aerobics - 400 calories in 30 minutes.

3. Swimming - 400 calories in 30 minutes.

4. Racket Sports - 400 calories in 30 minutes.

5. Rock Climbing - 380 calories in 30 minutes.

6. Cross-country Skiing - 330 calories in 30 minutes.

7. Running - 300 calories in 30 minutes.

8. Elliptical Trainer - 300 calories in 30 minutes.

9. Rowing - 300 calories in 30 minutes.

10. Walking - 180 calories in 30 minutes.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Signs, Symptoms, and Nicotine Overdose

Symptoms, signs, and treatment of nicotine overdose.


By definition, nicotine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant. Nicotine behaves in the body much in the way caffeine does, and when used in small doses, it is about as harmless as a cup of coffee. Mainly, it gives you focus and concentration, accelerates your heart and breathing rate, and increases blood pressure.

Too much of anything has the potential to become harmful; most substances should be used in moderation. What makes nicotine different is that it's not easy to control how much you use through sheer willpower. It is highly addictive and, therefore, difficult to use in moderation. Think twice before using this substance! People say that once you're addicted to nicotine, the substance can be as hard to quit as nicotine, if not harder.

The fact that nicotine is so addictive is a big part of why the substance is illegal for the minor. It is also possible to overdose on nicotine. Cigarettes, gum, patches, and e-liquid containing nicotine could all potentially cause an overdose if taken in large enough amounts. Never drink e-liquid, and never ever combine smoking with patches, or gum, or any other combination of nicotine-containing products. Doing so could result in death.

A field of tobacco in bloom. People who harvest tobacco are at the greatest risk of nicotine overdose.

Nicotine only makes up approximately 0.6–3.0% of dry weight in tobacco, which is the main ingredient of a tobacco cigarette, primarily because of its addictive qualities. On average, a cigarette manufactured in the United States contains about 9 mg of nicotine, but this is not the amount of nicotine that is ingested by a smoker. When cigarettes are burned, the smoke is inhaled by the user, so the nicotine enters the lungs and absorbs into the body before entering the bloodstream. The amount of nicotine actually entering the body is typically less than 1 mg.

Our bodies give us a lot of warning signs and signals when we are being poisoned. Poisoning from nicotine is generally seen in two stages:

1st Stage

Abdominal pain
Tachycardia, or a dangerously fast heart rate
Ataxia, or a lack of muscle coordination that may affect speech, eye movements, and the ability to swallow or walk
Shaking and tremors

2nd Stage:
  • Bradycardia
  • Hypotension
  • Central nervous system depression
  • Coma
  • And finally, breathing and respiratory failure

How to Expand Your Chest Size and Get a Wide Look

Three steps for broadening a narrow chest.

All-Natural Old-Timer Methods for Broadening Chests Do Work, Ya Know!

There are many cases of proverbial weaklings with 33-inch chests who turned themselves around to 45+ inches. For proper expansion, first you must understand something about chest and torso structure. The chest is composed of muscle, bone, and connecting tissue—so to expand your physic, you must focus on all three areas.

Step One: Do Deep Breath Holds and Breathing Squats to Broaden a Narrow Skeletal Frame:

First, let's focus on the bone structure. It has been shown that bone completely remodels itself every three months. In addition to that, as has been shown in studies of weightlifters, bone increases in density as more weight is placed upon it—a weightlifter definitely has stronger bones than the average person on the street. So what we want to do is to regularly place force upon the bones so that they will grow bigger (and in some aspects, longer). This will also end up encouraging the connecting tissue to expand and enlarge as well. Do these two exercises to help expand your skeletal system:

Deep Breath Holds:

A very basic exercise is to take a deep breath and hold it. Set aside some time every morning and afternoon to do the following:

Clasp your hands in front of your waist and take the deepest breath possible.
Hold the breath in tightly while raising your clasped hands up in front of you.
While holding your breath, try to move your arms to your sides against the resistance of your clasped hands.
Hold this expanded position for as long as you can.
Repeat at least 10 times.
Breathing Squats

Follow this with what are called breathing squats with pullovers 3 times a week with reasonably heavy weights. Do the following:

Take an extremely deep breath and squat down. While squatting, be sure to keep your knees over your ankles; your form should appear as though you're sitting into a chair.
Breathe out on the way back up.
Repeat at least 20 times.
Immediately follow breathing squats with pullovers on the floor.
When squats begin to seem easy, you can add weights. Place the weight across the back of your shoulders. The video below shows how to do so, although you will want to begin with a weight size that is reasonable for you.

Step Two: Use Pullovers to Strengthen Your Connecting Tissues

Remember, bones, connecting tissues, and muscles must all be strengthened in order to broaden your chest. Pullovers are the perfect exercise to strengthen the connecting tissues in your chest. An example of pullovers is shown in the video below—however, you will want to start with a weight size that is reasonable for you.

Floor Pullovers

This is how a pullover is done:

Lie on your back with your knees bent.
Hold a reasonable weight above your head on the floor, with elbows slightly bent.
Then straighten your elbows to lift the weight above your head and slowly let it fall back down. Each time the arms go down, there must be a pulling sensation in your ribs.
Repeat this 20 times.


Step Three: Broaden Your Chest Muscles

The next area to focus on is the chest muscles. Start working on your chest muscles after two months of practice with steps one and two, above.

Basic chest exercises are the chest dip and the standing military press. These will build up the lower chest region, as well as the upper chest and shoulder tie-in area.

Alternate between the chest dip and the standing military press for every workout. For each, you will use moderately heavy weights for 5 sets of 5 reps. Once you are able to do the 5x5, increase the weights slightly.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

4 Things To Do Now To Grow Your Hair (Faster)

If you are wondering why your hair just stopped growing, then you will have joined a number of men and women who are “scratching their heads” wondering what’s going on with their hair! Hair growth simply remains one of the few things
people think about but have the really little understanding of the production method.

Unfortunately, we have been sold (and taken the “proverbial” kool-aid) that we do not have any control over the quality and the quantity of our hair growth. Nothing could be further from the truth. We actually do have quite a bit of control over the quality of our hair.

Hairs Growth Rule: 1 Play Defensive:

We really know how to ransack our hair. We use, reuse, abuse, and neglect it and then expect us to perform every day – exactly how and when we want it to.

The truth is that for most of us, our hair can use a bit of a vacation from us! Our hair simply needs a break. But how do you do actually give your hair a break with your high-paced life and time 


Reduce the amount of heat applied to your hair weekly:

 If you blow dry your hair four times a week and use a heating iron about three times a week, then you have plenty to cut down.For starters cutting your heat application down by two-thirds for about two months, you see your hair bounce back. Your hair simply needs, at least, that amount of time to repair itself from the heat applications you give it regularly.

 Eating The Right Foods:

Everyone forgets just how important nutrients play in our bodies. We live in a time where food is so plenty that we don’t think about its importance in our lives (in terms of use for our essential body functions) than we did a mere generation ago. We simply eat when we are hungry and eat some more, and never think about what we eat as affecting our bodily functions, including our hair production and growth.

 Supplementing Your Diet for Faster Hair Growth:

Clearly, we don’t get enough nutrients in our body to sustain normal function. The result is that we often walk around with vitamin deficiencies. These vitamin deficiencies that we have manifested physically in a number of different ways: hair loss, hair shedding, dry skin, skin spots, yellowish eyes, yellowish fingernails, nails ridges.

We need to supplement our nutritional intake into our healthy diet. For example, Alpha Renew Hair Vitamins may help, which contain 833% biotin, MSM, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin A, and other herbal extracts for maximum absorption.

Hair growth is triggered by receptors in your hair follicle. Once your hair follicle determines that there are enough essential vitamins and minerals it goes into production. You keep feeding the right nutrients, your hair growth increases.


Long Term Hair Care:

Long term hair growth would include lifestyle changes. This includes diets, habits, and routines. All of these can affect the quality and quantity of our hair growth. Let’s consider all three of them with regards to hair growth now:

Long-Term Healthy or Healthy Diet: If you eat highly processed foods, you will not get the nutrients you need for lasting hair growth. Highly processed foods, alcohol, or foods high in sugar can upset the balance you need.

Habits: Smoking and Drinking can be detrimental habits for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Smoking does a number or things that ruin your hair
Long beautiful hairs

Sunday 20 December 2015

8 Natural Ways To Induce Labor

42 ways to induce labor naturally #pregnancy #birth.

Things to Know Before Inducing Labor Naturally:

Natural induction should only be a helping hand. You want the method to be gentle enough that you won’t go into labor if your body isn’t ready. It’s not recommended before 39-40 weeks. If you do begin before then, chances are it won't work anyway.
Don't stress about being overdue. First-time pregnancies are up to 80% more likely to go postdate, and you are not “officially” overdue until 42 weeks. Even then, a doctor cannot legally induce labor without your permission.
Do your own research. Make sure you know the risks and are taking the correct amount of any herbal product. Don't overstrain yourself with labor inducing exercises.
If you aren't sure, talk to your doctor. This is especially true if your pregnancy has been complicated or is considered high risk.

Natural Labor Induction Timeline:

A timeline of inducing labor naturally.

1. Acupressure - In addition to alleviating morning sickness and stopping bleeding or spotting in the early months of pregnancy, acupressure massages can also induce labor. Before using, though, you’ll want to make sure that your acupressurist has experience working with pregnant women. Typically, there are acupressure points in the ankles and in the webbing between your thumb and forefinger that can cause muscle contractions, including in the uterus.
2. Bananas - Bananas have lots of potassium, which is crucial to muscle contractions. So, being low on potassium could potentially delay labor. Note that you should eat bananas in moderation and avoid take potassium supplements as they can be poisonous when to taking incorrectly.
3. Basil - Basil is an emmenagogue, a herb that stimulates blood flow to the uterus and can stimulate menstruation. Throw some in your cooking.
Throw it on some pasta or add it to a shake. Basil is another delicious and easy natural form of induction.
Throw it on some pasta or add it to a shake. Basil is another delicious and easy natural form of induction.
4. Black/Blue Cohosh - Black and blue cohosh are two different herbs that, when taken together as a tincture can help induce and regulate contractions. Some midwives use it even during labor to strengthen uterine contractions. There have been some studies claiming that it can have bad side effects for mother and/or baby, however. I'd recommend further research first. Here are a couple of articles to get you started. If you decide to use cohosh, make sure you don’t take any more than the manufacturer recommends.
5. Borage seed oil - Along with primrose oil and black currant oil, borage seed oil is a natural source of prostaglandins - a fatty acid that helps induce labor. The borage oil prepares the body for birth by softening the cervix and increasing the flexibility of the pelvic ligaments. With that tissue softened, labor often quickly follows because of the pressure exerted on the cervix by the baby’s head.
6. Bouncing on birth/exercise ball - ball exercises can help turn your baby and move him or her into the birth canal. Midwives and doulas have been using this technique for years to speed up the dilation and move the baby down into the pelvis. Find a comfortable position and gently bounce up and down to encourage your baby to move into position.

Induce Labor with an Exercise Ball:

7. Castor oil - Statistically speaking it only works on 57% of women and causes lovely things like diarrhea and sometimes, vomiting. The theory is that the cramps in the bowel set off contractions. Opinion is still out on whether castor oil causes babies to pass meconium in the womb, but a) most women using castor oil are overdue and b) babies that are overdue are more likely to pass meconium, so you do the maths!WARNING: Please read the linked article before attempting and make sure you're fully informed on the safe methods to induce with castor oil.
8. Clary sage oil - Research shows that clary sage oil aromatherapy can help promote labor and relieve pain. In fact, it is so effective in promoting labor that its use is contraindicated at any other time during pregnancy. This method should only be used by a trained midwife or practitioner – it’s not one to do by yourself as it can cause harm if used incorrectly.

Best Way To Lose Body Fat For Women Over 50

Jillian Michaels - Personal Trainer

How Many Times Have You Tried To Lose Weight and Get "Fit"?

Women more than 50 that's fed up with diet and workout plans to lose bodyweight. In past times, these types of plans proved helpful for 2 a few months or maybe even lengthier. But you always accumulated again the actual body weight and dropped no matter what muscle tissue develop possibly you have realized. Physical fitness has always been a 2nd purpose, therefore, you could possibly match your own "skinny" apparel and look great inside a bathing suit.

And now that you're into your middle or later years, losing weight seems a slow, almost impossible process.

A Way Out Of This Health Disaster:

There are a couple of requisites the following:

1. Verifying with all your doctor to determine if you have health issues that will restrict your exercising essential to losing unwanted fat, along with

2  The couple of. A real dedication through people. "Trying" is just not any word utilized while starting this kind of weight reduction software. "Getting the item done" will be the rule. If you fail to make, never read any additional, go back to moaning about your complete illnesses, groan each time you will get upwards from the sofa, and give in that will get old along with weaker.

The Best Way To Lose Body Fat . . .

Is probably NOT what you think

To will depend on solid medical actuality. Truth be told - starting at in relation to era 40, every person will lose in relation to 10% of their muscular mass just about every decade. Restroom exercising receives harder. Take into account any additional weight the majority of people take with them and also bingo - you've got created some sort of recipe regarding a sedentary lifestyle. That breeds a lot more a sedentary lifestyle.

Essentially, your system ships will lose electric power, can burn less efficiently, and may even call for the main tuneup to be able to opposite the task explained previously mentioned.

In the event you build and also reinforce muscle tissue (and consume to be able to promote the muscle tissue building), a wonderful matter happens - your system ships gains electric power and also can burn a lot more weight along with every added single pound involving muscle tissue. By the way, you won't appear like some sort of bodybuilder - the lady is impossible to get bulk as a consequence of our own hormonal arrangement. You will not ever appear like Arnold (unless anyone acquire steroids).

Saturday 19 December 2015

A List of Coping Skills for Anger, Anxiety, and Depression

What are Coping Skills and Strategies:

Dealing strategies in addition to knowledge will be the side effects, in addition, to conduct one particular retreat into to handle challenging scenarios. Dealing strategies also come in several varieties. Several are generally very helpful and the like are generally damaging.

Human beings are likely to discover coping strategies by those people these people touch even though rising upwards. Whenever a person finds out in addition to builds up routines regarding negative coping knowledge, stressors come to be catastrophes in addition to self-assurance within an individual's power to deal can be reduced.

Employ this set of optimistic coping knowledge to spot brand-new strategies to discover to get much more sturdy facing difficulties. After that glance at the set of negative coping strategies to find what to replace with additional optimistic coping knowledge.

Positive Coping Skills

Here's a list of coping skills that will help you when feeling strong emotions such as anger, anxiety, or depression. These activities are not likely to create more stress or problems, so these help you be more resilient and stress tolerant.
  1. Write, draw, paint, photography
  2. Play an instrument, sing, dance, act
  3. Take a shower or a bath
  4. Garden
  5. Take a walk, or go for a drive
  6. Watch television or a movie
  7. Watch cute kitten videos on YouTube
  8. Play a game
  9. Go shopping
  10. Clean or organize your environment
  11. Read
  12. Take a break or vacation
Social/Interpersonal (with others)
  1. Talk to someone you trust
  2. Set boundaries and say "no"
  3. Write a note to someone you care about
  4. Be assertive
  5. Use humor
  6. Spend time with friends and/or family
  7. Serve someone in need
  8. Care for or play with a pet
  9. Role-play challenging situations with others
  10. Encourage others
Cognitive (Of the Mind)
  1. Make a gratitude list
  2. Brainstorm solutions
  3. Lower your expectations of the situation
  4. Keep an inspirational quote with you
  5. Be flexible
  6. Write a list of goals
  7. Take a class
  8. Act opposite of negative feelings
  9. Write a list of pros and cons for decisions
  10. Reward or pamper yourself when successful
  11. Write a list of strengths
  12. Accept a challenge with a positive attitude
Tension Releasers
  1. Exercise or play sports
  2. Catharsis (yelling in the bathroom, punching a punching bag)
  3. Cry
  4. Laugh
  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Eat healthy foods
  3. Get into a good routine
  4. Eat a little chocolate
  5. Limit caffeine
  6. Deep/slow breathing
  1. Pray or meditate
  2. Enjoy nature
  3. Get involved in a worthy cause
Limit Setting
  1. Drop some involvement
  2. Prioritize important tasks
  3. Use assertive communication
  4. Schedule time for yourself